WEICON Top Arbeitgeber 2024

Weicon remains a top employer in 2024

6. Award by Focus Business magazine

Since 2019 and now for the sixth time in a row, Weicon, the manufacturer of adhesives and sealants, has been distinguished as one of Germany’s top employers in the SME sector. The award is presented annually by the business magazine Focus Business and published in a ranking.


Second place among mid-sized industrial companies

Weicon was ranked 395th out of the 4,000 companies that were examined in the ranking and is therefore among the top 10 % of the best employers in the SME sector. Weicon achieved second place in the “Industry” category.

“We are absolutely delighted that we have again made it into the ranking in 2024. Being one of the most popular employers in Germany for the sixth year in a row shows that we are on the right track. This is not only a great sign of appreciation, but also an important distinction that serves to attract new applicants. Nowadays, you have to offer a lot to be considered an attractive employer, to find new skilled workers and to retain them. The award demonstrates that we are a committed employer and that topics such as work-life balance, a good corporate culture, various opportunities for further training and benefits play a major role at our company,” said Ann-Katrin Weidling, co-partner of the Weicon Group after the Focus Business ranking was published.


Criteria, data collection and evaluation

The aim of the ranking was to analyse all companies in Germany with a minimum of eleven and a maximum of 500 employees. In total, more than 36,000 companies were examined and around 650,000 employee assessments were taken into account.

The companies analysed were assessed in terms of their working conditions, development opportunities, appreciation and corporate culture. The data for this analysis comes from various sources, such as an online survey or reviews on various online portals.

The 4,000 employers with the best ratings were included in the ranking. Companies from a total of 39 sectors were commended as “Top Employer mid-sized companies 2024”. The results were published on the Focus-Business website.

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