Pressemeldung_Influencer Tag bei Klebstoffhersteller Weicon

Social media meets industry

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The first Influencer Day at Weicon took place at the weekend. Creative minds from all over Germany came to Muenster to take a close look at the manufacturer of adhesives and sealants.

Influencers are a phenomenon from the social networks. The opinion leaders mainly test and rate beauty and cosmetic products and the latest fashion and lifestyle trends. Their fans and followers trust these assessments – which makes influencers interesting partners for the industry.

Weicon has already been working with influencers on Instagram and YouTube for several years. However, with social media partners who are active in the areas of crafts, do-it-yourself projects and electrics. These use the products from Muenster, for example, to restore old vehicles, to carry out repairs on their own homes, for woodwork or for electrical installation.

In order to further consolidate and expand the cooperation with the partners, the Influencer Day was held for the first time. A total of ten partners made their way to Muenster to see Weicon live and in colour.

After the company presentation and a tour of the company premises, the guests visited the production of stripping tools in Ascheberg. Afterwards, the sleeves were rolled up – a practical part followed, where the chemical products and tools were tried and tested and a lot of questions were asked about their correct use. Supplied with many tips and impressions, the Influencer Day ended with a round of mini golf on the company's own course.

"It was really good to exchange ideas with our influencers in a relaxed atmosphere. We are already looking forward to many interesting projects that we can implement together in the future. In general, we would like to enter into further cooperations in this area in the future and are always open to creative ideas and concepts," says Kim Kuhlmann, who is responsible for influencer support at Weicon.

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