Air- and water-tight components

Sealers and impregnating agents from Weicon

For the treatment of various surfaces in the industrial sector, Weicon offers a new line of products – the sealers and impregnating agents.

Sealing and impregnation
In the industrial sector, the surfaces of a wide variety of components, e.g. made of metal, plastic, stone or concrete, are impregnated and sealed. This closes and seals pores and cavities. The treatment is intended to prevent dirt or moisture from entering the pores. The company Jeln, which has been part of the manufacturer of special chemical products since 2022, specialises, among other things, in the development and production of sealers and impregnating agents for the industrial sector. This know-how has induced Weicon to include a new line of these special products in their range.

The different areas of application
Usually, the sealers and impregnators are applied to the surfaces to be treated by means of a brush or by immersing the entire object. The special chemical products for application on various materials have a low level of viscosity and penetrate deep into the pores of the surfaces because of capillary action. As a result, the treated surfaces are sealed permanently elastic, are air- and water-tight and protected against corrosion.
The various sealers and impregnating agents differ in points such as their temperature resistance, chemical resistance or approval for use in sensitive areas such as food production. They boast a high adhesive strength and are based on either water or solvents. The water-based sealers are non-flammable and suitable for plastics that are not resistant to solvents.
Typical areas of use for sealers and impregnators are engine construction, the treatment of FDM components manufactured in 3D printing processes, the sealing of thermal spray coatings and applications in additive manufacturing. 

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